
Before you buy an electric car

Electric automobiles make up the fastest-growing segment of the auto market, with sales up 70% across the country last year. Here in Lake County, more and more customers are reaching out to us for help with installing outlet chargers for their new E-cars. While as an electrician I see this situation from the other side—the...

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No will? How bad can it be?

Are you a glass-half-full or half-empty person? Many of us live our days carefree and chill, taking the approach of, eh, what’s the worst that could happen? When it comes to passing away without a will in place, the answer is a lot. I caught up with local attorney Margaret T. Karl, who is an expert in estate planning, to find out more...

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Why you should stretch

You cannot reach your maximum potential without adding a stretching regimen to your training. Benefits include lower blood pressure, improved posture, increased range of motion and flexibility, better circulation, decreased back pain, lower stress, better energy levels, more stamina and injury prevention. There are two types of stretches:...

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Resolve now to have healthy legs

One of the most popular New Year’s resolutions in America is to improve one’s health, which is largely related to weight loss, diet and exercise. But there is another important health advancement you can achieve this year: Improving your legs’ venous health so you actually can exercise. Tired, achy, tingly and swollen legs make...

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Certain people can participate in a special healthcare enrollment that may open the door to options they didn’t know could be of benefit

January is typically a month when we take stock in our lives. Some of us commit to making wellness changes or rededicate to relationships. Others review their circumstances and determine whether the place they’re at is working as is, or if there are tweaks that need to be made, whether in their financial, personal or healthcare houses. While...

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