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If you’ve been looking for a place that takes working out as seriously as you do, Titans Gym may be the answer

If you’re interested in getting fit in a clean, spacious environment full of the highest quality equipment, knowledgeable and dedicated staff, fitness classes and fellow members to support and guide you, Titans Gym in Mentor is the place for you. With more than 27 years of experience in the fitness industry, Titans owner Geoff DelGrosso...

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The Neighborhood Experts at Platinum Real Estate can help anyone considering flying the coop for warmer temperatures find the home of their dreams down south

When the weather outside is frightful, it’s time to fire up some warm weather dreaming. Wouldn’t you rather concentrate on sunshine than snow shoveling? It’s no coincidence that January and February are big months for vacation planning to escape the big freeze. But have you considered buying a second home in Florida or South Carolina...

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Juli Hicks shows us how failing can move us forward

In a society that places a high value on success, we often lose sight of the fact that there is massive value in failure. As painful as it can be, even our breakdowns, missteps, and losses can move us forward. I can look back over the course of my life and see where I played it safe. It was those times that I experienced the least amount of...

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Here’s how MaxStrength Fitness helped one local woman stop toying around with her health

Meet self-described yo-yo dieter and lifelong couch potato Judy Williams. This vivacious go-getter had plenty of excuses to fall back on for letting her health slip a little—a high-level career in HR, a double hip replacement and a diagnosis of osteoarthritis. But she also saw the writing on the wall of her future health, and six...

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Lake-Geauga Habitat for Humanity works to make safe, healthy and affordable housing accessible to everyone

What if everyone in Lake and Geauga Counties had a safe, healthy and affordable place to call home? Meet Michael Barb, executive director of Lake-Geauga Habitat for Humanity (LGHFH). Michael and his staff begin each day asking themselves this question and then get busy doing the work to make their vision a reality. Mimi sat down with Michael to...

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