Juli Hicks shows us how failing can move us forward

By Juli Hicks, Certified Life Coach
In a society that places a high value on success, we often lose sight of the fact that there is massive value in failure. As painful as it can be, even our breakdowns, missteps, and losses can move us forward. I can look back over the course of my life and see where I played it safe. It was those times that I experienced the least amount of growth.
When and how did we acquire this need to get it right all the time? We certainly are not born that way. Instead, we are born with an intense desire to learn and grow.

Where is fear holding you back? Where are you afraid of looking stupid, getting hurt, disappointing someone, or messing something up? Whatever your roadblocks, this formula will help you get past fear:
1. Be willing to fail.
2. Look at failure as information that you can use to adjust your approach.
3. Don’t worry if someone is watching. It’s likely, your audience is too wrapped up in their own stuff to notice you.
4. Be willing to get the tools you need and surround yourself with people who will encourage you.
5. Find some joy in the process and let go of the outcome.
Success and failure are both critical to our personal evolution. The challenge is not viewing failure as something that defines us but as something that moves us forward. Many of my clients come to me feeling too paralyzed to take the steps necessary to create the life they desire. As their coach, my job is to help them get comfortable with failing and to take action even when it’s scary. As you approach your 2023 goals, I encourage you to cozy up to fear, too.
Juli Hicks is a certified Life Coach. Contact her or sign up for her Flourishing after 50 program at JuliHicks.com.