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With guidance from the team at Annuity & Estate Planning Concepts, you can retire in confidence, knowing there will be enough for the long term

If you’re contemplating retirement during the next few years, you may have serious concerns about what impact the current economy may have on the value of your IRA, pension or 401(k). A significant loss in value could mean a postponement—or even a cancellation—of your long-planned and well-deserved life of leisure. That’s why...

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Read this before you take another sip of water

It’s easy to take the water that falls from the sky and flows from our taps for granted. We drink it, cook with it, bathe with it, and hardly give it a second thought. Darrell Weeter, president of Home Environmental Services, a Northeast Ohio water treatment company, might make you think twice the next time you take a sip. “Water...

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Where do you want to be with your health insurance

January is typically a month when we take stock in our lives. Some of us commit to making wellness changes or rededicate to relationships. Others review their circumstances and determine whether the place they’re at is working as is, or if there are tweaks that need to be made, whether in their financial, personal or healthcare houses. While...

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Schedule time for a review of your health insurance

January is typically a month when we take stock in our lives. Some of us commit to making wellness changes or rededicate to relationships. Others review their circumstances and determine whether the place they’re at is working as is, or if there are tweaks that need to be made, whether in their financial, personal or healthcare houses. While...

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Before you buy an electric car

Electric automobiles make up the fastest-growing segment of the auto market, with sales up 70% across the country last year. Here in Lake County, more and more customers are reaching out to us for help with installing outlet chargers for their new E-cars. While as an electrician I see this situation from the other side—the...

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