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Evaluate your prescription drug coverage under Medicare and find out if you can save

According to a 2019 KFF Tracking Poll, 89% of people over the age of 65 have reported that they take at least one medication regularly, with more than half of those taking more than four medications regularly. 28% of seniors say it’s difficult to purchase their medications due to cost. Fortunately, as of January 1, 2023, with the passing of...

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Evaluate your prescription drug coverage under Medicare and find out if you can save

According to a 2019 KFF Tracking Poll, 89% of people over the age of 65 have reported that they take at least one medication regularly, with more than half of those taking more than four medications regularly. 28% of seniors say it’s difficult to purchase their medications due to cost. Fortunately, as of January 1, 2023, with the passing of...

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Making a decision about the future of your healthcare coverage can be important

When it comes to retirement, many people have a carefully constructed financial plan solidly in place. They’re able to move on to this next stage of life confidently, knowing the funds they need to support themselves are enough to take them into their golden years. They’ve likely met with a financial planner, who, tapping into his or her...

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Evaluate your prescription drug coverage under Medicare and find out if you can save

According to a 2019 KFF Tracking Poll, 89% of people over the age of 65 have reported that they take at least one medication regularly, with more than half of those taking more than four medications regularly. 28% of seniors say it’s difficult to purchase their medications due to cost. Fortunately, as of January 1, 2023, with the passing of...

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How can I protect my retirement?

In a precarious economy, people who are hoping to retire soon may have concerns about losing a large portion of the IRA, 401(k) or pension fund that has been building up for decades. Bill Fiesler and his son, Brody, owners of Annuity & Estate Planning Concepts, promise that there is a way to protect your investment. Q: How can I protect my...

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