Articles Showing articles related to: Titan Arbor Care

Now is a perfect time to have Titan Arbor Care assess and tend to the trees in your yard

Autumn is fast approaching, bringing an all-too-brief respite from summer’s heat. Still, it’s wise to take a page from the Farmers’ Almanac and remember: “You may delay, but time will not.” Winter’s blistering cold won’t be far behind. The almanac’s recently released extended weather forecast for Ohio projects a...

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Maybe it’s time to have a trained professional take a look at your trees

Summer has landed, and it’s bloom or bust for your yard’s trees. By now, most trees have leafed out, and any tree that hasn’t is a strong indication that it’s dead, diseased or distressed. Whatever the case, it’s time for a diagnosis from the trained eye of a professional tree care service. In and around Medina County, the...

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Titan Arbor Care can keep your trees thriving

You’re nearing the end of your spring clean-up checklist. You’ve scrubbed the house, and now it’s time to set your sights on sprucing up the yard. Glancing at your trees might reveal foliage that failed to return, leaving dead or diseased branches exposed or a towering trunk with healthy branches in full swing too close to the house for...

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