Articles Showing articles related to: Westside
With more than 100 different options, choosing your Medicare coverage can be overwhelming and Lori Bellman, of Medicare Answers Now, can help
Did you know there are more than a hundred options to choose from when it comes to Medicare? Did you know many of these choices have benefits that change annually? Annual Enrollment is coming in October; that’s when the majority of seniors can make a change in their benefits. Advertisements for the 2023 year will start on October 1, and...
Read MoreMedicare planning with Bernie Davidson of HealthMarkets
If you’re getting ready to turn 65, if you’re a fresh 65, or if 65 is on the horizon, you might have questions about what the next phase of your health insurance coverage is going to look like. Understanding your options can feel a little confusing, but I’m here to help you navigate the choices—without the stress of having to go it...
Read MoreWho gets the power after a loved one has passed?
One of the many reasons people are hesitant about drafting a will is making the decision regarding whom to name as their executor. “An executor is responsible for making sure a person’s affairs are put in order after they pass,” explains local elder care attorney Margaret T. Karl. “They make sure assets are transferred to the...
Read MoreDo you have questions about what the next phase of your health insurance coverage is going to look like?
If you’re getting ready to turn 65, if you’re a fresh 65, or if 65 is on the horizon, you might have questions about what the next phase of your health insurance coverage is going to look like. Understanding your options can feel a little confusing, but I’m here to help you navigate the choices—without the stress of having to go it...
Read MoreIf you’re 65 and have decided to keep working, you're eligible for Medicare
If you’re getting ready to turn 65, if you’re a fresh 65, or if 65 is on the horizon, you might have questions about what the next phase of your health insurance coverage is going to look like. Understanding your options can feel a little confusing, but I’m here to help you navigate the choices—without the stress of having to go it...
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