With the next generation heading up D&S Automotive Collision & Restyling, the torch has been passed—and it’s lit

By Patricia Nugent
Any company that thrives over 46 years has a secret to its success.
I recently sat down with father and son Carmen and C.J. Paterniti, respectively the founder and president of Lake County mainstay D&S Automotive Collision & Restyling to find out theirs.
“When I was 19, back in 1977, I started the business out of my mother’s garage following a passion I had for cars, which evolved and grew as our customers’ needs and wants changed,” recalls Carmen, who has stepped down as CEO, passing the torch to C.J. and working in a semi-retirement capacity. “My son has more than earned this role and I have all the faith in the world in him and what lies ahead for D&S Automotive.”
C.J., who literally grew up at D&S, says he realizes that the percentage of success in second-generation family-run businesses is not high.
“I won’t let that hold me back,” he adds. “I will do my best to continually provide opportunities for our staff to grow, and to live up to our outstanding reputation for customer service for many years to come.”

With two locations in Mentor, one in Chardon, and a fourth one that opened on August 25 in Elyria, the business that began as a van conversion enterprise has diversified into collision, body work, custom painting, automotive restyling and now is the only Tesla-certified operator in Lake County.
“We service Tesla owners here in town, as well as from neighboring states,” says C.J. “Our technicians are constantly undergoing new training and certifications. We believe in investing in our people and our technology.”
Going Big with Local Charitable Efforts
At D&S Automotive, the drive to pay it forward is a trickle-down affair.
“Our culture and core values are rooted in commitment and we have established a volunteer program of outreach that all of our 98 employees participate in,” says C.J., who also heads up The Paterniti Foundation.
The efforts stay close to home and close to the heart.
After C.J.’s newborn twin daughter was cared for in the NICU at Rainbow Babies and Children’s Hospital, they began an annual Cruise-In event, which has raised nearly $140,000 over the past 10 years.
They are sponsors of the Miracle League of Lake County, Deepwood Lake County Board of Developmental Disabilities, Sub Zero Mission, Lake Metroparks, Project Hope for the Homeless, Lake Humane Society and many local schools and sports teams. (Don’t miss the Stuff the Truck event to benefit the Sub Zero Mission on Thursday, October 12, sponsored by D&S. Look for details at DSAutomotive.com.)
“My family is deeply grateful to our employees, who donate their time and energy, to support these efforts,” says C.J.

Inspiring Students to Excel
C.J. and his father believe in paying it forward and showing people the opportunities that await technicians in the automotive industry. Over the past seven years, they have partnered with the Auburn Career Center and NCI Northern Career Institute to offer paid internships.
“We believe in encouraging kids to follow their technical interests in an arena where they can succeed,” says C.J., who sits on the board of the career center. “This year we’re proud to report that two of the interns who became employees here went back to teach a class on estimating at the Auburn Career Center, a nice way to come full circle.”
D&S Auto Collision and Restyling is headquartered at 7588 Tyler Boulevard in Mentor. For more information, call 440-946-2178 or visit DSAutomotive.com. The new site has been expanded to include the capabilities to schedule services and purchase products, Jeep and truck accessories such as spray-in bed liners to rhino linings, lift kits and bed covers.