With Life Skills Curriculum, young adults can thrive in the real world

By Mary Malik
More and more young adults are living in their parents’ homes and relying on their families for financial and personal support. If you can relate to either side of this phenomenon and would like to put an end to this sensitive, emotional and often toxic situation, Life Skills Curriculum is for you.
Program developer Steve Leskovec has spent his career working as a registered nurse, a clinical professor of nursing, curriculum developer and a financial coach, along with being a father and scout leader. In all these environments, Steve spent a lot of time with young adults doing his best to teach basic life skills to both his students and his children.
“Working with and also raising young people, I was shocked by what they don’t know,” Steve says. “As parents, we educate them, then expect them to leave the house and have the tools to navigate life on their own. I was seeing that too often this wasn’t the case.”

Now before we beat ourselves up about this, it isn’t anyone’s fault. We’ve all done our best, but many of those skills have eluded this particular group of the population. The good news is, Steve has come up with an actual curriculum to impart the necessary life skills to succeed and thrive financially, personally and, most important, independently.
“I decided to combine my skills as an R.N., teacher, curriculum designer and financial coach to help young adults navigate their adult lives,” Steve says. “These are the things I love to do, so I took all of that experience and developed the Life Skills Curriculum program.”

Life Skills Curriculum is a roadmap for life. The program covers five topics: Financial, Employment, Intrapersonal, Personal Care and Home Care and presents them in a series of 32 modules broken down into five subtopics focused on specific outcomes and goals for each topic.
“The Life Skills Store offers two levels of Success Skills Programs:”
The first is the comprehensive Success Skills Bundle which includes the following skills:
• Financial
• Employment and Workplace
• Interpersonal
• Personal
• Home Care
The second is the Mini Success Skills Bundle which includes the following skills:
• Living
• Working
• Relationships
• Communication and Values

Both of these bundles contain videos that are accessible 24/7 on smartphone, tablet or computer, allowing the user to access them anytime, anywhere, transforming any moment into a learning experience.
“Modules are detailed and include real-world exercises,” Steve says.“For example, financial topics include creating a budget, banking, taxes, insurance and investing. Personal care skills include nutrition, time management and personal safety. It’s a comprehensive roadmap to an independent life.”
“This is a turnkey, extremely user-friendly program,” Steve says. “I think most parents will admit that many of the topics covered are things we assumed our kids knew. And young adults may have thought they understood what’s involved with life on their own but realized they were not prepared. It’s a tough lesson, but it’s never too late. This program will arm young adults with everything they need to know and set them up for success on their own.”
Steve uses the Covid-19 pandemic as an example of something out of everyone’s control that threw many young adults off course and landed them back in their parents’ homes.
“The pandemic didn’t do anyone any favors, especially our young adults,” Steve says. “But it’s time now to get back on course and Life Skills Curriculum is the roadmap that will get you there.”
For more information on the Life Skills Bundle or Mini Bundle Curriculum, including plans and pricing, check the website TheLifeSkillsStore.com, reach out to Steve Leskovec at steve@thelifeskillscurriculum.com or call 440-382-9211.