Winning candy season

By Kyle Hotz, ACE Owner, Founder; Higher Heights Fitness
This time of year, when it seems like everywhere you go there’s a bowl of Halloween treats, and your kids’ trick-or-treating sacks will be soon overflowing, it’s easy to down a few candy bars. ‘Tis the season, right?
Well, not really. Even an innocent-sounding fun-size Snickers candy bar has 160 calories. To work that off, you’ll have to do 15 minutes of pushups. A fun-size Reese’s Peanut Butter Cup totes in at around 110 calories, or 27 minutes of jump rope.
And it seems like Halloween candy season flows quickly into Thanksgiving (pie- and stuffing-eating season) and Christmas (irresistible holiday cookie season).
Before you go off the nutritional rails, now is a good time to plan a preemptive strategy.
We researched and founded our Nutritional Program this summer, to complement our training programs, to best help our clients achieve and maintain their optimal wellness.
We help people find healthy swaps to still enjoy sweets without the guilt. For instance, people who have to have ice cream at night love Yasso bars, which are made from Greek yogurt.
We’re actually coming out with our own cookbook, available for free, that features healthy recipes that taste amazing. Just give us a call and pop into the studio and we’ll have your copy waiting for you.
Higher Heights Fitness is located at 8251 Chippewa Road in the back of the Heinen’s Plaza in Brecksville. For more information, call 440-630-9497, or visit the website at