Willoughby Workspaces

By Patricia Nugent
Lovingly restored to its original grandeur circa 1858, Willoughby Workspaces at The Charlton Abbott is the ideal destination for students to CEOs, and sole proprietors such as accountants and lawyers. Since opening last year, it’s also become a go-to venue for charity fundraisers, corporate events, showers and parties.
The historic and charming Victorian mansion, just steps from Downtown Willoughby, is loaded with modern amenities to enable highly functional workflow, from secure Wi-Fi to a media center with high-tech A/V and green board tech and full-service, on-site café. Affordable monthly packages—as low as $19 per month—allow for flexibility and convenience.
Owners Ken and Lisa Boyd renovated and brought to life themed spaces to keep the historical spirit alive. There’s a mid-century modern room in bright green, a 1970s room in resplendent orange with a Brady Bunch feeling, a 1920s conference room and 1930s office done in pale pink. Companies, groups or event planners can rent a few rooms or the whole place for events, which is currently decked out for the holidays.
Community involvement and charitable support is a mission here. Next month, on Thursday, December 7, they are opening their doors for an Ugly Sweater Holiday Event from 7 p.m. to 10 p.m., which includes a bourbon and IPA food tasting. Tickets are $40 per person and can be purchased on EventBrite.com.
Meet Santa & Mrs. Claus - On Saturday, December 9, don’t miss this fa-la-la-la-festive event at Willoughby Workspaces. Enjoy a hot cocoa bar with all the yummy touches, holiday music and a professional photo taken with Santa. Local vendors will offer handmade items. A special session for sensory-sensitive children is from 9:30 a.m.-11 a.m. and the Open House will be from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. Cost is $30 per person and includes the portrait sitting and photo.
37903 Euclid Ave., Willoughby • 202-221-8986 • WilloughbyWorkspaces.com