Willoughby-Eastlake City Schools Superintendent Dr. Patrick Ward is equipped with vision for excellence in education and a plan to make it come to fruition

By Mimi Vanderhaven
“What could school be for kids if there were no barriers?
This is the question posed by Willoughby-Eastlake City Schools new Superintendent Dr. Patrick Ward.
He recently kicked off the school year with an ambitious program: The 100 Day Listen and Learn tour. Along with the school board, he’s committed to listening to all stakeholders, learning about the successes and challenges in the district and collaborating in order to build the capacity to move the district into the future by creating a shared vision. Through coffee talks, advisory groups, business roundtables and the board’s Community Advisory Council, community members can join in the conversation about their hopes and dreams for the school district.
Mimi caught up with Dr. Ward to learn more about his impressive ideas and plan to put them to work.
“I am fortunate that we have a board of education that supports a vision of excellence for the students in this district,” he says. “This group of committed board members has kept a laser focus on academic excellence and the well-being of students. I am honored and grateful to be given the opportunity to help lead this district.”
And the Board is just as supportive of him. President Stacy Menser had this to say:
“Our new administration has brought a high degree of energy and positivity that has filtered throughout the staff and students alike. It is a breath of fresh air to see so much positivity resonate through the district. “
A Willoughby resident who was previously the principal at Willoughby South High School, Dr. Ward brings a passion to the job.
During the district’s opening day celebration, staff members heard him stress the importance of the mission to support students. “No matter your role, no matter what you do to serve this organization, no matter what title you have, you are a champion for children. We will focus on our priority to provide world-class educational opportunities for our community,” Dr. Ward says.
Look for these monthly stories to cover topics from grades K-12 in the Willoughby-Eastlake City Schools system. Find out more at WESchools.org.