What keeps people motivated?

By Kyle Hotz, ACE Owner, Founder; Higher Heights Fitness
Do you know how Realtors say the top three indicators of a home’s value are location, location and location? In my line of work, the top three factors for success are retention, retention and retention.
It’s one thing to attract someone to join a studio, and another to keep them coming back for the long haul.
I think the bedrock of our success lies in relationships. Our trainers are as intent on building positive relationships as they are with the workouts. In the reviews we receive, members comment that we “make exercise fun.”
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I named the studio Higher Heights to represent how we motivate people to keep reaching for their peak. As a business owner as well as a trainer, I’m always reaching for my personal peak, too. So, it’s exciting to be in the midst of opening a second location in Lakewood. We soft launch starting in November and will be fully open in January.
To find out more, watch a TV segment about us on CLE Weekend on Channel 19 to air September 28. We’ll be sure to post to our website.
Higher Heights Fitness is located at 8251 Chippewa Road in the back of the Heinen’s Plaza in Brecksville. For more information, call 440-630-9497, or visit the website at HigherHeightsFitness.com. The studio is currently offering 15% off sessions booked after 2 p.m.