What are you really made of?

20231116 Alloy 8882
The InBody scanner produces relevant, actionable numbers that indicate your true health picture.

By Evan Ferwerda, Owner; Alloy Personal Training

As professional trainers, we’re always looking for a science-based edge to help our clients achieve their goals. That’s why we invested in the InBody scanner.

Our clients have a scan when they first join, and then monthly after that to chart their progress.

It produces relevant, actionable numbers that indicate your true health picture. I’m not a fan of the BMI metric, as it’s an incomplete ratio measurement of height and weight. An InBody scan delivers a clear picture of what you’re made of, broken into fat vs. muscle content.

Body composition is intricately tied to your metabolic health. Some people might be in a “normal” range for weight, but actually are in terrible shape and open to metabolic health conditions caused by low muscle/high fat in the body. Another issue is dangerous visceral fat, which surrounds the organs, inhibiting their function and even infiltrating them, resulting in conditions such as fatty liver disease.

One of the most positive things we appreciate about the InBody is that it provides a suggested range of how many calories you need to reach your goals, as well as amounts of protein, fats and carbs.

Based on each client’s results, we prescribe a strength training regimen and nutritional guidelines. Each trainer-led workout is customized to the client.

Alloy Personal Training is located within Merchants Square at 123 Ghent Road in Fairlawn. Call 330-964-6954 or visit AlloyPersonalTraining.com for more information.