Visit Lamphear’s in August to enjoy blooming sunflowers and a host of family-friendly fun

By Ken McEntee
Two-and-a-half acres of sunflowers, all facing in the same direction, reminds Kory Lamphear of a field of smiling faces.
“It’s a beautiful sight that people love to experience,” says Kory, owner of Lamphear’s.
Still, Kory admits, he was surprised by the number of people who came last August to visit the sunflower fields at his new tree farm and landscape supply center on Route 42, in Medina.
“We had an open field right next to our shop and I wanted to do something cool with it,” he recalls. “My wife always liked sunflowers, so that’s what we decided to plant. We opened the fields up to the public when the flowers bloomed, and it was a huge hit. Way more people showed up than I ever imagined.”
This year, Kory says, he’s going to make it even more fun, with food and activities during the two to three weeks of August when the more than 50,000 sunflowers are in full bloom.
Nature, he said, will determine the exact dates.
“We think they’re going to bloom around the first week of August, but people should keep checking our Facebook page for the announcement,” he advises. “We want to make it a fun family experience. We’ll have a food trailer come in to serve fair food, like sandwiches and french fries—things like that. We want to do a touch-a-truck event for the kids on one of the Saturdays.”
There will be no admission charge, and visitors will have the option to cut and buy sunflowers, fresh from the field.
“We’ll have options like buying mason jars for the cut flowers,” Kory says. “And, we’ll have some great Lamphear Sunflower tee shirts available.”
Visitors also will be able to take compelling photos amidst the vibrant yellow, six-foot-tall flowers. A designated area will be available for professional photographers to rent out.

“That’s sort of by demand,” Kory laughs. “Last year the demand for pictures was so strong that photographers were just showing up and setting up shop. This year we’re going to rent space to keep it more under control. The photographers can bring their clients in to do photo shoots.”
Kory says he enlisted the help of Crocker Family Farms, located on Hamilton Road, to plant the sunflowers with a corn planter.
The fields will be open to visitors from 8:00 a.m. until 8:00 p.m. on the dates to be announced.
Visitors also will get a chance to see Lamphear’s new headquarters and supply center, which carries mulch, topsoil, gravel, stone, shrubs and trees. The new facility opened early last year on a sprawling 19-acre site. This year, the company is celebrating its 20th anniversary of providing lawn and landscaping services to residents of Medina and surrounding communities. Kory was 13 years old when he started mowing neighborhood lawns with his cousin and current Lawn Division Manager Marcus Neuman. Today, the operation has more than 80 employees.
Kory says it was a career-long dream to design and build the new offices and supply yard. “It has given us room to keep more materials in stock and more room to expand our services,” he says.
Lamphear’s landscape supply yard—and sunflower field—are located at 3344 Pearl Road, in Medina. You can learn more about how Lamphear’s can make your yard the envy of the neighborhood by visiting or by calling 330-725-2102. Keep up with the dates of Lamphear’s sunflower event by checking the company’s Facebook page @LamphearsLawnServiceLlc.