Virtual Cycling

By Denise Powell and David Patton
The Lake County General Health District, through the efforts of the Senior Outreach division and Lake County Connections, is excited to introduce a mobile, interactive Senior Cycling class to its public health service line.
Outreach Educator David Patton, a certified cycling instructor, guides participants through a virtual cycling world on six stationary bikes brought to scheduled locations. Class participants are virtually transported to various worldwide locations through use of the MyWhoosh cycling app, which appears on preloaded iPads. This software program allows riders to interact with hundreds of other cyclists in real time, while tracking their own fitness successes. The in-person socialization benefit is a huge bonus.
Coinciding with the release of the cycling class, the Health District’s Senior Outreach Division has been researching additional peer-specific fitness opportunities for Lake County’s tenured agers. The District is collaboratively working with the newly formed Cycle Lake County group in supporting their mission to create safe and enjoyable cycling opportunities throughout Lake County. Senior Cycling Classes are currently being conducted and or scheduled at the following senior centers: Perry, Willoughby, Wickliffe and Willowick, as well as at the 5966 Heisley Road, Mentor Health District building.
For more information, please visit the Lake County General Health District website at or call Denise Powell at 216-318-1211 or David Patton at 440-350-2242.