Undereating isn’t the answer

By Kyle Hotz, ACE Owner, Founder; Higher Heights Fitness
On the never-ending quest to lose weight, people often end up dieting to the point of undereating, not consuming sufficient calories for their daily needs. Time and time again this backfires.
Under eating puts your body in “starvation mode.” Functioning with a caloric deficit pushes it to store fat as energy and slows your metabolism. I liken the body to a car. It won’t run without any gas in the tank. You may lose a few pounds while doing this, but in the end gain back more. And, unfortunately, you will probably lose muscle, too.
With our body scanner, we determine a person’s BMR or basal metabolic rate, and the precise number of calories they need to take in each day to lose fat and not muscle. Through our new Nutrition Program, we’ll counsel clients and go as far as visiting the grocery store with them to learn how to shop for foods that will support their goals for optimum health.
Since this is such a busy month for starting fitness programs, my fellow trainers and I decided to offer an InBody scan free to anyone who is interested in diving deeper into their health and wellness—no strings attached. We look forward to meeting you.
Higher Heights Fitness is located at 8251 Chippewa Road in the back of the Heinen’s Plaza in Brecksville. For more information, call 440-630-9497, or visit the website at HigherHeightsFitness.com.