Training through pregnancy

By Kyle Hotz, ACE Owner, Founder; Higher Heights Fitness
At Higher Heights Fitness, we tailor training protocols to the maximum success of each client, regardless of age or stage in life.
We’ve recently been working with a few pregnant clients who wanted to exercise up until the week they gave birth, and then begin again several weeks after having their babies.
Carrying a baby can put a strain on the body, especially the back, hips and legs. The better shape a woman is in, the fewer aches and pains she’ll endure as the pregnancy advances, and the more stamina she’ll have during labor.
Once the little bundle arrives, there are different sets of muscles a mom will need, including a strong back, chest and arms for carrying around the baby and car seat.
We create a functional program that keeps muscles strong while ensuring movements are safe.
Even if you haven’t done strength training before, and want to start after becoming pregnant, that’s fine. We can handle that. Our seasoned trainers, who all have college degrees and certifications, are specially qualified to work with this population.
The end result with our new moms? Within about three months they were back to their pre-pregnancy shape. They felt being in great shape was helpful through labor and delivery, and they didn’t feel like they were starting over afterward.
Pregnant or new moms can feel overwhelmed with the adjustments going on, and the time crunch of having a baby to care for. At Higher Heights, most clients only come twice a week, so it’s easy to cover with a babysitter (or dad) and provides a nice outlet of much-needed self-care.
Higher Heights Fitness is located at 8251 Chippewa Road in the back of the Heinen’s Plaza in Brecksville. For more information, call 440-630-9497, or visit the website at