The power of routine

By Kyle Hotz, ACE Owner, Founder; Higher Heights Fitness
Fall is a busy time for us. People are settling back into their routines and ready for a change back to healthy habits.
Research shows people who follow dependable, predictable routines achieve their optimal health. It also illustrates the importance of adopting habits that are attractive, convenient and achievable. This aligns with our core goals of individualizing programs to people to achieve slow-and-steady incremental achievement, whether through our strength training or new Nutrition Program. There is power in progression.
The most common reasons people fail when starting a training program range from it’s too difficult to it doesn’t produce results right away, or it’s not a sustainable fit with their lifestyle.
In terms of making their experience attractive and convenient, we offer lots of sessions throughout the day, perfect for “morning people” or “night owls.” We’re also told how much fun people are having. Our young, energetic, and highly motivating team is also creative in making the sessions a ball, always changing things up.
Becoming certified by the ACE to kick off our Nutrition Program this month shows our commitment to educating people about how the choices they make impact their optimal health.
Higher Heights Fitness is located at 8251 Chippewa Road in the back of the Heinen’s Plaza in Brecksville. For more information, call 440-630-9497, or visit the website at