The O-Shot

The O-Shot, or Orgasm Shot, is quickly becoming one of the most talked-about treatments for female sexual dysfunction and urinary incontinence in Northeast Ohio.

By Beth Newcomb

“The O-Shot changed my life,” says Dr. Laurel Matthews, owner of the freshly launched Dr. Laurel’s PRP Bar.

“I started offering it because I felt like I had to. It’s the best thing I’ve done for myself personally in 20 years. Professionally, it revolutionized the way I thought about my practice.”

“Over the years women have told me they were unwilling to sacrifice their sex life because their body was changing,” she continues. “I found an effective treatment for sexual dysfunction and urinary incontinence and I want to change lives with it.”

The O-Shot, or Orgasm Shot, is quickly becoming one of the most talked-about treatments for female sexual dysfunction and urinary incontinence in Northeast Ohio. The reason, Dr. Laurel insists, is because it’s entirely natural, is typically a one-time treatment that lasts up to three years, there is no downtime, no surgery, no pain and no medication to take. 

“I view sexual dysfunction as a complex issue,” she explains. “That’s why every patient evaluation includes a look at a woman’s overall hormonal environment. I might recommend lab testing be done and incorporate bioidentical hormone replacement as part of treatment.”

Most of the women who visit Dr. Laurel’s PRP Bar aren’t able to engage in sex like they used to because of dryness, she says. Others are extremely frustrated by the fact that they are unable to become aroused or are having difficulty achieving orgasm. Many are also distressed by the fact that they leak a little urine when they cough or sneeze. 

Harnessing the power of the body’s own regenerative properties, Dr. Laurel isolates the platelet-rich plasma (PRP) in a patient’s blood that contains 14 different growth factors. These growth factors stimulate the stem cells responsible for nerve endings and blood vessels, prompting the body to return the treated area back to a youthful state.

Patients report a noticeable difference following the O-Shot after just a few days, with full results in about three months.

“I use topical and injected anesthesia for the O-Shot procedure so it’s painless,” Dr. Laurel assures. After your O-Shot, expect increased lubrication, tighter vaginal tone, improved urinary continence and spectacular orgasms. 

You can schedule a complimentary consultation with Dr. Laurel Matthews, of Dr. Laurel’s PRP Bar, by calling 216-245-6682. The office is located at 3439 W. Brainard Rd., Suite 107, in Woodmere, next to the Whole Foods Plaza on Chagrin Blvd. To learn more, visit Hours are by appointment with some evenings and weekends available.