The brain-muscle connection

By Evan Ferwerda, Owner; Alloy Personal Training
We often hear about the mind-body connection, but did you know there’s also a brain-muscle connection?
It’s based on neuroplasticity, or the brain’s ability to reorganize and form new neural connections and pathways throughout your life. The good news—in less technical terms—is your brain is flexible and adaptable. You have more power than you think you do to protect it.
According to the National Academy of Sports Medicine, strength training “can prevent and delay cognitive decline and Alzheimer’s disease in aging people by enhancing neuroplasticity and cerebrovascular function.” Building muscle, which is the primary goal at Alloy Personal Training, releases a range of growth factor hormones into the blood stream that support neurons related to cognitive capability.
Our proven method of trainer-led, small-group workouts focus on all the body’s muscle groups. And we change the workouts to increase muscle gains and help our members achieve lasting change.
Accountability and socialization are keys to our success. Members tend to stay with us longer than most studios since they become accustomed to working out with the same group of people each week. Knowing people will be waiting for you here makes it more difficult to miss a workout.
Many of our members are in their 50s, 60s and well beyond. They plan to preserve their cognitive function and thrive well into the senior years.
Alloy Personal Training is located within Merchants Square at 123 Ghent Road in Fairlawn. Call 330-964-6954 or visit for more information.