Take control of your future with MaxStrength Fitness

By Patricia Nugent
When Governor DeWine lifted the Covid public health orders, effective Wednesday, June 2, allowing us to once again gather together, stand next to people and toss away those annoying masks, it felt like a dark veil had been lifted.
The future is at last hopeful and bright. Taking stock of the past year, in light of all that was lost during the pandemic, now is a good time to ask yourself…where to from here?
Are you familiar with the old adage, “It’s not just the years in your life, but the life in your years”? MaxStrength Fitness is the perfect place to improve the life in your years.
Take Control of your Future
“With things opening back up again, we realize how much people may have suffered, financially, mentally and physically,” says founder Jeff Tomaszewski. “The clients who have stayed with us and boosted their immune system the past year have weathered the storm better than most. For those people who are looking to take control of their future, and become a fitter, happier, healthier person, it’s never too late to get started.”
The science- and research-based MaxStrength protocol is a proven system of two, 20-minute workouts each week with equipment designed to max out your muscles and boost your fitness level.

Imagine You are at the Beach...
Jeff enjoys empowering and inspiring people to become their best self.
Here’s an exercise he likes to walk people through:
Imagine you can fast-forward to the age of 80, when you’re spending a day at the beach (yay, you). What are you doing there? Are you fishing, body surfing, swimming, or walking the shore? Or are you sitting under an umbrella in a tall lawn chair (because getting in and out of the short ones is almost impossible), watching your family or friends enjoy the fun?
It’s pretty easy to make a decision between the two. If you’d like to be the active and engaged person, starting now is the way to get there.
“The attention you pay in building strength and endurance now will pay big dividends the rest of your life,” says Jeff. “Research shows you lose up to 8% of your muscle mass every decade once you turn 30, and that rate can skyrocket to 15% after the age of 60. It’s so much easier to keep muscle than it is to try to regain it once it’s lost. The steps you take to invest in your future can pay off for decades to come.”
MaxStrength Fitness is located at 4212 State Route 306 in Willoughby or at 2211 Crocker Road in Westlake. Visit MaxStrengthFitness.com for more information or to see more testimonials or call 440-226-8080 for Willoughby location and 440-835-9090 for the Westlake location.