Supporting veterans

By Marisa Peltz
The United States Submarine Veterans, Inc, is hosting the 2024 National Convention in Cleveland from August 19 through August 25. The USSVI represents veterans of the United States Submarine Force from: World War II, The Cold War, The Korean Conflict, the Vietnam War and the War Against Terror and has for more than 75 years focused on the support, health and welfare of our submarine Veterans and their families.
As of 2022, the organization has more than 165 chapters (called bases) throughout the nation, and in excess of 11,000 members.
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While the convention is for submarine veterans only, there will be a tolling ceremony open to the public on August 23, 2024 at 4 p.m. on the deck of the USS Cod Submarine Memorial. The “Tolling of the Boats” ceremony honors those who have been lost on patrol. Each boat is recognized by the name, location, if known, and the number of sailors lost.
To place an ad in the USSVI convention souvenir program or to become a sponsor, contact Paul Krieger at216-544-9426, email USSVI2024Magazine@gmail.comor visit For more information about the USS Cod Submarine Memorial visit