Students at Willoughby-Eastlake Schools are encouraged to tap into their creative sides with an exciting array of class offerings in the arts

By Mimi Vanderhaven
As poet John Keats once said, “A thing of beauty is a joy for ever.”
Through multifaceted fine arts programming across myriad disciplines at every grade level, students in Willoughby-Eastlake City Schools are nurtured and empowered to create beauty by tapping into innate talents.
The ever-expanding curriculum fosters artistic expression in the areas of performing dramatic arts, music and visual fine art to build skills, mastery and confidence.
In the younger grades, students are introduced to musical instruments and enjoy performing. Middle schoolers delve deeper through band and choir, while high schoolers get comfortable in their niche through orchestra, wind symphony, jazz band and choir. The high school marching bands receive national recognition with their performances at Walt Disney World.
“As a music educator who sees students advance from beginning instrumentalists in middle school to accomplished young musicians in high school, and seeing how their love for what they do translates into hours of work, both in individual practice and ensemble rehearsals, is so gratifying,” says Lori Elias, who chairs the music department at Willoughby Middle School. “One need not be a professional in order to find joy in creating, and to develop one’s skills as far as one desires.”
High schoolers with the acting bug can join Drama Club, taking on the role of actors, singers, dancers, set and costume designers, stagehands and technicians. And many go on to excel at state competitions and performances outside of school throughout the area.
Visual artists begin in elementary school with a wide exposure to classic techniques, a platform that serves them well studying diverse mediums and art history in middle school, then moving on to explore mediums such as ceramics or graphic design in high school.
Talented teachers enjoy a fruitful collaboration with organizations such as the Fine Arts Association to bring enriching programs into the classrooms, as well as take field trips to museums and performing arts venues in Cleveland.
Look for these monthly stories to cover topics from grades K-12 in the Willoughby-Eastlake City Schools System. Find out more at