Stop and reverse the pain

By Karen Docherty, Owner OsteoStrong Strongsville
After the age of 30, our body’s musculoskeletal system begins to regenerate less bone matter and the strength of our bones begins to deteriorate.
This can lead to a decline in posture, balance, alignment and overall strength. Once one body part is out of balance, like an ankle, that leads to overcompensation, and things like knee pain or hip misalignment.
But we do have the power to stop it and reverse it. Members have seen dramatic improvements after using our patented Spectrum circuit bone strength equipment. Under the guidance of a technician, members go through slow, safe and controlled push-pull movements on four machines. All it takes is one 20-minute appointment per week.
Joe L. is a perfect example of what can be achieved through an exercise-based, non-pharmaceutical approach. He came to us six months ago with moderate shoulder pain, unable to lift his arm above his shoulder.
His goal was to address the pain and, in the long term, avoid surgery. After several sessions, Joe is now 100% pain-free and has increased mobility in his shoulder.
Joe’s in his 60s and says our specialized spectrum machines have made a big impact in his life.
In addition to skeletal strength conditioning, we also offer “biohacks” wellness services such as hydromassage lounges for circulation; red light therapy to boost mind and body; the BioCharger, which combines PEMF, light therapy, frequencies and harmonics to stimulate cellular activity and promote healing within the body; and compression boots to flush the lymphatic system.
OsteoStrong Strongsville center is located within a shopping plaza at 15308 Pearl Road in Strongsville. Call 440-358-3838 or visit for more information.