Spartan StormShield’s new initiative donates roof work to deserving homeowners, providing hands-on training for their sales force and making a positive impact in Northeast Ohio

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Spartan StormShield installs and repairs roofs for homes and businesses all over Northeast Ohio.

By Patricia Nugent

Spartan StormShield has launched a new initiative to give back to the community by donating roof work to deserving homeowners. Not only does this program aim to help those who have sacrificially invested in the community, but it also offers a unique opportunity for the company’s sales force to receive hands-on training and further enhance its expertise. The idea behind this initiative is simple yet powerful—by offering their services to those who truly deserve it, Spartan StormShield is not only making a positive impact in Northeast Ohio, but the company is also investing in the growth and development of its employees.

This new program has been met with enthusiasm and support from both the company’s leadership team and its employees. Now that the team members have completed their first project, they are ready to tackle any challenge and make a lasting impact on the community they call home. The team is proud to be part of a company that values giving back and making a difference in people’s lives.

The Spartan StormShield Roofing Specialists seen here (L to R) are: James Packwood, Mike Mohn, Myles Charlton, Vice President of Production Jes Arlia, Andrew Emley, company Co-owner Joel Arlia, Sales Manager Dan Lefaiver and Gerrell Williams.

“This is a valuable way to educate our sales team on the day in and day out workings of our roofing crews,” says Joel Putnam, the director of integrated marketing systems for Spartan StormShield. “Not only do they gain valuable insight into the importance of teamwork, but they also see how each step in the sales process impacts the overall success of the installation process downstream.”

He went on to explain that Spartan StormShield places great emphasis on continuous learning and development, with all employees undergoing training via their Spartan Roofing Academy.

Where Knowledge and Empathy Meet
The “crew for a day” said the number one thing it learned is how demanding the job is physically. The crew is young and seem very fit, with a few of them having played sports in high school and college, but everyone remarked how hard the tear-down was the first day, reporting everything from achy backs to “I could hardly get out of bed” the next morning.

Instead of having its roofing crews do an installation for a deserving client in Broadview Heights, Spartan StormShield trained its salespeople and sent them up the ladder with hammer and shingles in hand to get a real-life experience about what it’s like to tear down and replace a roof.

“Now that we’re done, I can say this will help us in working with clients to resolve issues to the best of our ability immediately when they arise,” says Sales Specialist Mike Proffitt. “If we are all on the same page, that helps us understand what all the line items of our forms really mean and be able to explain the work to our clients.”

A Customer Experience
We caught up with homeowners Jason and Josie Valley to ask a few questions about their experience with Spartan StormShield.

Josie and Jason Valley shared their experience working with Spartan StormShield.

Q: How did you hear about Spartan StormShield?
A: We are fortunate enough to know Joel Arlia from Heritage Classical Academy. I taught his daughter when she was in junior kindergarten. A couple years later, we ran into Joel and his wife at our son’s basketball game and started talking about a leak in our window. He informed us about his roofing company and offered to come look at the leak.

Q: What made you the happiest working with Spartan?
A: Every step of the way, we felt well cared for and thoroughly informed. Jack and Joel spent hours here, telling us how the process would go. Once the work started, they were timely, efficient and detail-oriented. No shortcuts or delays. It was nice to know that whether we were home or not, the work was getting done, and getting done correctly. The integrity of this company and its employees was refreshing!

Spartan StormShield has launched a new initiative to give back to the community by donating roof work to deserving homeowners. Not only does this program aim to help those who have sacrificially invested in the community, but it also offers a unique opportunity for the company’s sales force to receive hands-on training and further enhance its expertise.

Q: Why should somebody consider using Spartan?
A: The entire crew was polite and tidy. They joyfully served the two days they were here and were unlike any crew I’ve ever seen in action. Even when the job was done, Jarod spent a morning double-checking all the work and clean up.

An A+-rated member of the Better Business Bureau, Spartan StormShield is headquartered at 309 Silver Street in Akron. The company installs and repairs roofs for homes and businesses all over Northeast Ohio. Call 330-772-7826 or visit for more information and to schedule a free roof inspection or leak analysis.