Solia Spa introduces icoone

During icoone treatments, your body is encased in a specially designed, ultra-thin, skin-tight, full-body suit that ensures proper hygiene and reduces friction. (You take your own suit home after each session.)

By Mimi Vanderhaven

For the past three years, luxury spas all over the world have been introducing icoone, a skin-care treatment developed in Italy. The procedure involves microstimulators in dual handsets that deliver a vacuum massage via tiny pores. It’s a body-reshaping technology that works by stimulating connective tissue.

And now a local spa has brought the treatment to Northeast Ohio.

“The first time a tried it at an industry trade show, I was shocked,” says Lisa Stewart, founder of Brecksville’s Solia Spa. “I visibly lost an inch in a single treatment. I researched it further, our team went through some intensive training, then we introduced it to our spa customers in October.”

Lisa says icoone’s underlying science (the company does not capitalize its name, by the way) means it is effective for a many different skin and body shaping goals, including wrinkle reduction, cellulite reduction, improving post-pregnancy crepey skin and stretch marks, and taking inches off stubborn areas, even love handles on men.

“It can also jump start weight loss,” Lisa adds. “The icoone is effective in lymphatic drainage, helping you lose extra water weight. That creates a big improvement in cellulite because your cells are no longer suffocating. Oxygen can get through more efficiently. And it happens right away. I’ve never seen anything like it.”

Although most clients notice a difference in a single treatment, more noticeable and longer-lasting results require five to 10 treatments. One client Mimi spoke with saw instant results and reported going to the bathroom a lot after the procedure. She also said, “Even though it was a skin treatment, it was the most relaxing full-body massage I ever had.”

Lisa says weight loss associated with the drug Ozempic has led to even more interest. “The icoone is ideal for toning and tightening loose skin associated with rapid weight loss,” she says.

In a unique twist, the procedure isn’t performed directly on your skin. Your body is encased in a specially designed, ultra-thin, skin-tight, full-body suit that ensures proper hygiene and reduces friction. (You take your own suit home after each session.)

If you’re intrigued, give the spa a call to find out more and set up your first appointment. For a deeper understanding, google “icoone.” You’ll see lots of information about the relatively new procedure.

Solia Spa’s menu also includes many other skin care treatments, facials, and massages.

Solia Spa is located at 8903 Brecksville Road, in Brecksville. To make an appointment or find out more, call 440-526-0522 or visit