Show the expectant mom in your life a little love with adorable surprise gifts from The Baby Fairy Shoppe

By Mary Malik
In Brazil, it’s traditional to give red knitted booties as a baby gift. A popular gift in Russia is a silver spoon and in Australia it’s children’s books. In the U.S., there are many popular gift items for babies, but as the expression goes, it’s the thought that counts.
“And it’s those thoughts and the love we feel for friends and family expecting a baby that was the incentive behind The Baby Fairy Shoppe,” owner and founder Robin Barber says. “Years ago, my girlfriend was pregnant after nine years of trying. My husband and I wanted to do something special, so we went to one of those Hallmark mall kiosks and had a card made. Wanting our gift to be anonymous, we signed the card, ‘The Baby Fairy.’”
Robin worked at a company where many employees traveled, and every month or so she would ask a co-worker to mail a gift to her friend from another city with one of “The Baby Fairy” signed cards enclosed, to give the gifts an even deeper air of mystery.

“Our friends were baffled,” Robin says. “Little surprises were arriving from all over the country making the anticipation of the baby’s arrival even more exciting. I realized that this was my mission. I saw the joy of making moms feel cherished and supported. The Baby Fairy can change a friend or loved one’s entire pregnancy experience and the process is simple.”
First, you shop by handpicking items from The Baby Fairy Shoppe’s online collection. Choose from items including clothing, blankets, toys, books, baby accessories and even locally made items.
“I also offer bundles with themes like playtime, must-have items, bath time and one especially for mom,” Robin says. “Pregnancy is a wonderful time but it’s not always an easy time. My goal is to support pregnant women with extra love and special attention. And if I can put a smile on an expectant mom’s face, that’s what The Baby Fairy Shoppe is all about.”
The next step is to schedule the anonymous delivery of your gifts. You choose the number of items and deliveries, and each package is shipped individually throughout the pregnancy based on the baby’s due date.

“The final package is the big reveal through a note from the giver,” Robin says. “It’s a thoughtful and convenient way to continually support the new mom in your life throughout her pregnancy. And if you don’t see exactly what you like on the website, I’m flexible with colors, choices and am always available throughout the process to make changes.”
The Baby Fairy Shoppe offers items geared toward a boy, girl or gender-neutral items. It’s all up to you. And it’s also a great way for companies to support employees throughout their pregnancies.
“What do most companies do when someone is pregnant? They send flowers when the baby arrives,” Robin says. “That’s nice but also expensive. For much less of an investment and a much more thoughtful choice, The Baby Fairy will let your employees know over and over how much you value and support them. Flowers don’t say all that.”
As the original Baby Fairy more than 20 years ago, Robin says her friend still tears up with joy remembering those special little gifts she received.
“My hope is for every expectant mom to feel that way,” Robin says. “The Baby Fairy Shoppe will make sure of that.”
To set up special deliveries for the expectant mom in your life, check the website or call Robin at 440-897-3059 for questions or more information on a corporate program.