Set yourself up for success

By Kyle Hotz, ACE Owner, Founder; Higher Heights Fitness
Clients often come to us looking for help with stopping the dangerous pattern of yo-yo dieting. They go on restrictive diets, lose some weight initially—often losing muscle at the same time—and then end up regaining the weight back and then some. According to Healthline, one in three dieters ends up heavier than when they started dieting.
Not only is yo-yo dieting frustrating, but it often leads to a cascade of other conditions, including high blood pressure and heart disease.
As professional trainers, we are equipped to take you down a path of safe, slow and lasting weight loss. Here’s what’s realistic: Calories in, calories out. To lose one pound per week, you have to expend 3,500 more calories than you take in, so about 500 fewer calories per day.
That’s the safe number, no more, no less. Following an extremely low-calorie diet can backfire, slowing the metabolism and throwing the body into starvation mode, where it stores fat.
We work with clients to track their daily intake and expenditure through fitness trackers.
It’s also beneficial to look beyond the number of calories you take in and concentrate on a “food is fuel” mentality. Getting the right proportion of macronutrients, or proteins, carbs and fats, is integral to your wellness.
With our InBody Composition Analyzer, we can accurately measure each client’s muscle vs. fat ratio and adjust their workouts to make sure they are meeting their goal of losing fat—not muscle.
New Year’s resolutions are around the corner. This year, why not bag the temporary fixes and set yourself on a sustainable, forever path to your best self?
Higher Heights Fitness is located at 8251 Chippewa Road in the back of the Heinen’s Plaza in Brecksville. The studio offers one-on-one training, small-group training and nutritional sessions. For more information, call 440-630-9497, or visit the website at