Scott Andrew Mills from Maverick Insurance Group answers the question "Does my insurance cover this?"

By Scott Andrew Mills, Principal Agent, Maverick Insurance Group
Does my insurance cover this? That’s a question we hear very often at Maverick Insurance Group. And the answer is pretty simple. For a claim to be covered, whether automobile or home, it has to be what’s referred to in the industry as SAD, meaning Sudden, Accidental and Directly impactful.
In other words, the damage to your home or vehicle cannot happen over time. For instance, that brown stain on the ceiling as a result of a slow leak is not covered. Now, if the ceiling falls down as a result of the water damage, that’s covered. Or let’s say the engine blows up in your car. Did you run over something causing that to happen or have you ignored the recommended automobile maintenance schedule?

It comes down to this: Don’t confuse insurance with maintenance. Insurance is not there to cover our lack of attention to our homes and automobiles. It’s there to protect us when something sudden, accidental and directly impactful occurs.
Maverick Insurance will guide you to the right coverage for your family by taking all your needs into consideration. We communicate with our clients in whatever way works best for them, whether that’s in person, by Zoom, text or phone call. We offer evening and weekend appointments along with weekday.
Maverick’s value proposition is that it doesn’t cost extra for our great service, and we do the “shopping” for you. We represent our clients and have a fiduciary responsibility to them.
Maverick Insurance works with several major insurance providers including Safeco, Liberty Mutual, Progressive, Grange, Travelers, Farmers, Guard, Westfield, Cincinnati and more. Maverick is located at 5883 Wilson Mills Road in Highland Heights. For more information call 440-895-5200, email Scott at or check the website