Safety and holiday lighting

By Bill Streb Owner, Streb Electric
A leisurely drive through any neighborhood will tell you people are lighting up their homes—inside and out—more than ever with Halloween decorations. And as soon as the goblins come down, the turkeys and snowmen will be taking their place.
Don’t get me wrong, I love the occasional fun-size candy bar or pumpkin pie, but this time of year does make me concerned if people are considering their electrical capacity when putting up the decorations.
Older homes do not have as many outlets as newer ones, which have an outlet every 12 feet in a habitable room.
This forces people to resort to extension cords and plug strips, which are not a good idea. If around flammable materials, such as carpet, curtains or blankets, these often create heat and become a fire hazard.
We regularly see people using indoor extension cords outside, which is especially dangerous as this could lead to sparking, fire and shock.
To avoid overextending your electricity through cords and plugs, we can affordably add GFCI electrical outlets to any room or part of your home’s exterior.
We can even install remote-controlled units you control from your smart phone, so you can operate switches when you’re not home.
With any regular electrical service from us, you get a free, 20-point safety evaluation. We also offer an annual safety and savings program.
The bottom line is, don’t stress about your holiday décor. Let us customize the safest plan for you to light things up.
Streb Electric is headquartered in Willoughby. For the past 40 years, the family-operated service company has earned a reputation for making sure homes are safe and free from electrical hazards. Call 440-953-5819 or visit for more information.