Reduce the impact of noise

By Mary Malik
According to Hearing Review magazine, Cleveland is sixth on the list of cities with a high prevalence of hearing loss. Cara Donovan, Au.D., an audiologist with Sounds of Life Hearing Center, understands why.
“Cleveland’s hearing loss rates are likely related to several factors,” Dr. Donovan says. “Cleveland is located in the ‘steel belt,’ with many industrial-related jobs with a high noise exposure level. Also, we have some of the best hospitals in the world that treat large populations of patients with ototoxic chemotherapy medications and radiation treatments, which can cause hearing loss.”
Cleveland also features many concert venues, restaurants with live music, street fairs and other noise-related events.
“Exposure to these events or treatments over time can cause hearing loss,” Dr. Donovan says. “Living in a city presents issues that are out of our control, but things are being done on a local and federal level to regulate noise levels.”
Cleveland Hopkins International Airport participates in the Federal Aviation Administration’s (FAA) Part 150 Noise Compatibility Program aiming to reduce noise for nearby communities.
“Noise exposure is unavoidable no matter how many regulations are in place,” Dr. Donovan says. “The best thing to do is to wear hearing protection when exposed to anything with hazardous noise levels. This includes heavy machinery, firearms, power tools, lawn equipment, fireworks and motorcycles.”
Dr. Donovan recommends foam earplugs or over-the-ear headphones, especially for children.
“We sell custom hearing protection that has filters allowing you to communicate,” Dr. Donovan says. “The best way to protect your ears is to protect them from loud noise.”
Sounds of Life Hearing Center is located at 8003 Auburn Road, Suite 4 in Concord Township. For more information call 440-579-4085 or check the website