Protection for your adult child

By Beth Newcomb
Keeping our kids safe has never been more important than it is right now.
Jay Nabors, a Cleveland-based attorney who focuses on estate planning, says that once your child turns 18, he or she is a legal adult. If they get sick or hurt, doctors and nurses may or may not let you make decisions regarding medical issues or give you information.
“That’s why it’s important to have a living will, durable power of attorney for finances and durable power of attorney for health care in place before they leave the nest,” he says.
Jay recounts the story of clients whose child went off to college and got hurt in an accident. “They were frantic because they were here in Cleveland and their son was an hour drive away in the hospital. Because he was legally an adult, the medical team wouldn’t provide any information regarding his health status. They spent hours in a panic until they could get to him,” he says.
Preparing your child for life away from home is particularly important during this time of unrest. “The most important of the three documents is the durable power of attorney for healthcare,” he adds. “It enables parents to make medical decisions for their child and enables doctors and nurses to talk to parents about what’s going on. If your child is heading off to college in the fall, having these documents in place will help to provide some peace of mind.”
Jay is a partner with Weston Hurd LLP. Typically he sees clients at the firm’s office in downtown Cleveland, in addition to meeting with clients in Strongsville upon request. Virtual meetings, house calls and select evening appointments are available.
To reach Jay Nabors of Weston Hurd LLP, call him directly at 216-687-3205. His office is located at 1300 E. 9th Street, Suite 1400 in downtown Cleveland. Jay can also meet clients at 11221 Pearl Road in Strongsville.