Painting Solutions will have you embracing the winter blues…or grays, or greens, or whatever color your heart desires

By Mary Malik
August can be a tricky month. We have one foot hanging onto summer while the other is dipping its toe into fall. The weather is still warm, but the kids are heading back to school and we’re finding ourselves slowly being forced back indoors to prepare for the winter months. Dan Peck, owner of Painting Solutions in Chardon, loves this time of year. His job is to put the smiles back on our faces—and he’s very good at doing exactly that.
“We all can get a little crabby this time of year,” says Dan. “We know the cold weather is on its way and that causes stress for many people. But just as our name says, painting really is the solution to the winter blues. There’s nothing like freshly painted rooms to improve your mood, not to mention increase the value of your home.”
And now is the time to get on the Painting Solutions’ schedule, to brighten your home before that Northeast Ohio winter gray takes over.
“We are setting up the winter schedule now,” says Dan. “Winter is the best time for interior painting. As painters, my crew prefers to schedule indoor work in the winter because we have the time it takes for the kind of job we do. We are extremely detail oriented and the preparation of your walls, woodwork and other surfaces in your home takes time. There’s a lot of work done before we ever pick up a paintbrush. Repairing walls, sanding and smoothing all make for a beautiful and lasting paint job.”
Dan has been painting for 25 years. What started as a high school summer job has turned into a career painting the interiors and exteriors of homes and businesses. Dan is an expert at his trade and enjoys seeing how the results of his work affect his clients. Painting one room for a client often turns in to another, then another, and so on.
I understand that feeling from personal experience. Dan and his crew painted my dining room last year. Unfortunately, we didn’t spend a lot of time in the dining room. Since Painting Solutions worked their magic, it is now officially my favorite room in the house.

“It’s a contagious thing,” says Dan. “Fresh paint, a fresh new color, repaired walls and woodwork that all looks new again can be addicting. I see it all the time. People want just one room painted and then it looks so great, they move on to other rooms in the house.”
And don’t worry about having painting done indoors in the fall and winter. Dan and his crew have perfected the process with the latest technology paint and prep products to keep dust and smells to a minimum.
“We’ll paint the entire interior of your home, and you don’t have to see or smell us,” says Dan. “We contain any dust with a dust extracting vacuum system and put up false walls to seal off the rooms we’re working in from the rest of your home. And we clean up after ourselves, not only at the end of the project but each day along the way. We keep any disturbance to your home life to a minimum.”
To get on the schedule for interior painting, call Painting Solutions at 440-342-4552, email or check the website