Natural weight loss with a fat-melting punch at Dr. Laurel’s PRP Bar

By Beth Newcomb
After more than four years of offering the revolutionary TruSculpt iD at her Dr. Laurel’s PRP Bar, a procedure that permanently melts away 24% of the fat in a treated area, Dr. Laurel Matthews has added a second layer of support for people trying to change the way the world sees them.
“I had a lot of patients asking me for other options,” Dr. Laurel says. “TruSculpt is ideal for melting the fat contained in those last few stubborn pounds, but it’s not a weight-loss solution. Many of my patients need a jump-start to weight loss, or help maintaining the weight they’ve lost.”

With that in mind, she introduced WayLess, a natural, hemp-derived product featuring THCV. Unlike the semaglutide found in some weight-loss products, WayLess is a safe, effective and natural way to gradually shed pounds. “If you are currently taking semaglutide for weight loss, you can switch to WayLess to gradually wean yourself without having to worry about rebound weight gain,” Dr. Laurel says.
“There is no THC in WayLess, and there is no CBD,” Dr. Laurel explains. “Instead, THCV is primarily responsible for essentially shutting off the craving for food. Clear evidence demonstrates that THCV decreases appetite, increases the feeling of being ‘full,’ and up-regulates energy metabolism.”
Ideally, patients begin their weight-loss journey with WayLess, then, once they’re within 10 to 20 pounds of their goal weight, tap into the power of TruSculpt iD to melt away those last stubborn pounds. And because TruSculpt iD harnesses the power of radio frequency technology, a skin-tightening component is an added benefit.
Unlike CoolSculpting, Kybella and surgery, with TruSculpt iD there is very little, if any, pain. There is no downtime, and almost everyone is a candidate.
“With TruSculpt iD, fat is heated and then immediately begins to dissolve with full results evident in about 12 weeks,” says Dr. Laurel.
TruSculpt iD is perfect for the chin, abdomen, inner and outer thighs, back, arms and anyplace on the body you want to see a dramatic reduction. Some areas require just one treatment, while others require two treatments or one with additional purchased hand pieces.
Schedule a complimentary consultation for TruSculpt iD by calling 216-245-6682. The office is at 3439 W. Brainard Rd., Suite 107, in Beachwood. To learn more about TruSculpt iD, visit Until March 15, 2024, Dr. Laurel is offering Mimi readers a $250 savings on any one TruSculpt iD treatment.
WayLess is available online at For questions about Wayless, call 216-774-9733 or click on Contact on the website to view your options for submission. Mimi readers can save $5 off their first order by entering MIMIPRP at checkout.