MaxStrength Fitness has just launched a proprietary wellness program designed to help people live their healthiest lives

By Patricia Nugent
“If you do not make time for your wellness, you will be forced to make time for your illness,” —Joyce Sunada
Are you living your best life?
MaxStrength Fitness has recently introduced a wellness coaching program to help people get to the root of negative behaviors holding them back and become their healthiest selves.
“Being healthy isn’t just a short-term goal to achieve,” says founder Jeff Tomaszewski. “Instead, you can get results from mindset shifts and habit creation—and sometimes lousy habit removal—so that what’s left isn’t a small win of temporary weight loss, but a new lifestyle that’s sustainable and enjoyable.”
Meet Jennifer Puhalsky
Jen’s backstory gives her a relatable been-there, done-that perspective to help others.
“Cumulatively, over my lifetime, I’ve gained and lost around 1,100 pounds,” she says. “When I had each of my four children, I weighed over 400 pounds. Around 11 years ago, I’d hit rock bottom and decided that was it.”
After she lost 200 pounds, Jen went back to school to become a wellness coach.
Her holistic approach addresses the key areas of a client’s life: nutrition, exercise, stress management, getting the best sleep, attaining financial security, and finding happiness by expressing daily gratitude.
“Through my struggles and success in reaching what my picture of health is, I kept standing up when I fell down, and now I help my clients do the same,” she says.
Today Jen is a trim 150 pounds (a weight she says she hadn’t seen since grade school) and is running marathons and enjoying a full, happy life.
“For me, like a lot of people, food was an unhealthy coping mechanism,” she says. “Behavior modification taught me how to invite the best things into my life.”
Here’s How it Works
The coaching protocol is simple and fits into any busy lifestyle:
• You fill out a questionnaire.
• You sit down with Jen for the initial consultation, which takes about 30 minutes. The two of you will go over your goals and lifestyle. She’ll have you use the InBody Scanner to deliver scientific data that’s actionable. “Every client is different,” she says. “I want to find out what their picture of wellness is before we create a customized plan for getting there. Then we set realistic goals to work on.”
• Each week after the initial consultation, you’ll meet with Jen again, either virtually or in person, to discuss the goals and come up with further strategies for achieving them.
“My background in cognitive behavioral psychology helps me relate to clients and determine individualized strategies to reach their goals,” she says.
In addition to one-on-one coaching, Jen has worked with various groups, local businesses and corporations.
“For employers especially, there’s a win-win with having healthier, happier employees,” she says. “There is a real power in people building each other up when they see change and positive results happening.”
Staying On-Brand with MaxStrength
“I love working at a company where the staff is seasoned, highly trained, and share the same passion I have for wellness,” she says.
As Jeff likes to say, the studios have succeeded over the years by following a philosophy of doing things differently than everyone else.
The science-based training is a proven system of two 20-minute workouts each week with computerized equipment designed to max out your muscles and boost your fitness level.
MaxStrength Fitness is located at 4212 State Route 306 in Willoughby. Call 440-226-8080 and at 2211 Crocker Road in Westlake, 440-835-9090 or for more information or to view more testimonials, visit