Maverick Insurance Group explains why an independent agent is better

By Scott Andrew Mills, Principal Agent, Maverick Insurance Group

It’s time to answer important questions about working with an independent insurance agency like Maverick Insurance.
Q: Do I have access to insurance carriers that you don’t?
A: Yes. This is a key point to make about working with an independent agency. I have access to carriers that you, as John Q. Public, do not have. You are limited to very few carriers on your own. The biggest advantage to you is that, as an independent agent, I do the shopping for you. I am 100 percent working for you. My goal is to get you the best coverage for your needs. I won’t pretend this is always the least expensive, but it will be the coverage you should have to be completely protected.
Many people are under-insured and, therefore, vulnerable. A simple car accident can be financially catastrophic. I take the time to protect you. I offer access to better providers and give you better advice when it comes to your coverage.
Q: If I don’t work for an insurance company, how do I get paid?
A: The carrier pays me a percentage when I place a client with them. It’s very straightforward. And you should know this cost is not passed on to you. You get the best coverage for the best price.
I am continually reviewing your coverage, staying informed of changes that affect your policy and looking for a better price. You can change carriers and still be my client. I will continue to work for you to provide the peace of mind only the best coverage can offer.
Maverick Insurance works with several major insurance providers, including Safeco, Liberty Mutual, Progressive, Grange, Travelers, Guard, Westfield, Cincinnati and more. Maverick is located at 5883 Wilson Mills Road in Highland Heights. For more information call 440-895-5200, email Scott at or check the website