Magnesium for leg cramps

By Mike Ventresca, Vital Choice Healthstore
According to a 2017 study, nearly two-thirds of Americans are deficient in the mineral magnesium. This is a big deal because magnesium plays a critical role in health. In fact, according to a study published in the Journal of Intensive Care Medicine, a magnesium deficiency can make you twice as likely to die as people who are not deficient.
Magnesium is one of the most abundant minerals in the body. It activates over 350 different processes, including muscle contraction and nerve transmission. It is found in every tissue, but in higher concentrations, in the bones, muscles and brain. Research shows magnesium promotes normal blood pressure and helps prevent and alleviate many health complaints such as headaches, constipation, cramps, and more. Perhaps most important these days, studies show magnesium can help reduce stress and anxiety while promoting relaxation and better sleep.
In supplement form, magnesium is often bound to other substances to allow the body to absorb and utilize it. Some of the best and most effective forms are glycinate, citrate, malate as well as whole-food supplements. Finally, a special form called magnesium threonate has some exiting research related to brain function, memory and even learning. With all these choices, where do you start?
If you’re trying to combat leg cramps or even just relax before bed, one of my favorite forms is magnesium glycinate. It’s highly absorbed and well tolerated without producing a laxative effect. Recently, one customer told me it’s been so effective at reducing her leg cramps, magnesium glycinate has changed her life.
Mike Ventresca is the owner of Vital Choice Health Store, 9243 Sprague Road in North Royalton’s Timber Ridge Plaza. Call 440-885-9505 or visit This information is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.