Lucky Shoes is offering some of this season’s hottest gifts and stocking stuffers
By Mimi Vanderhaven
Right now, Lucky Shoes stores have a wide selection of fun and functional gift ideas from some of the hottest brands. Mimi recently sat down with Lucky’s marketing and operations director, Shelia Trew, along with accessories buyer Jennifer Hines, and merchandise manager Emily McCullough.
Lucky’s is not only known for its selection of shoes, but for its selection of handbags from the unique Vera Bradley line to vegan-friendly and boldly colorful Joy Susan, CargoIT cotton canvas bags, Baggallini for avid travelers, and much more.
“And the earrings!” Jen exclaims. “These fun stud earrings from Howards are the perfect stocking stuffers.”
Not only does Lucky’s have great gifts for the women in your life, but they have you covered for everyone, from women’s to men’s, and even kids.
“By purchasing a Fahlo bracelet, you can see where your animal is on the globe with an online tracking tool. Plus, you will help the wildlife conservancy of the animal you choose,” Shelia says.
You can’t talk about animals without mentioning Warmies,” Emily laughs. “These cozy stuffed animals can be safely placed in the microwave to create a gentle, weighted warmth.”
Everyone knows it’s not Christmas without getting a new pair of socks. Brands like Socksmith, Smartwool, and Feetures encapsule fun patterns and colors that make great gifts for your loved ones.
Mimi was thrilled to meet the Lucky Shoes crew and get a closer look at their gifts and accessories. This store is way more than shoes!
Find the best selection of holiday gifts and accessories at the Lucky Shoes stores in Strongsville, Fairlawn and Canton. Other locations are Westlake, Columbus, and Mason. Visit for details.