Lake Metroparks opens the door to sustainability with education about sourdough, gardening and more

By Mimi Vanderhaven
Those following the viral trend of homesteading are discovering a deep satisfaction in amping up their level of self-sufficiency.
If you’re looking for a new hobby or two to float your boat in ’25, Lake Metroparks is hosting the Western Reserve Homestead Summit Saturday and Sunday, January 18 and 19.
“We’ve seen an uptick in interest from younger people to find out more about returning to the traditional ways of growing and making food,” says Lake Metroparks Chief of Marketing Sharon Metzung. “The focus on personal sustainability seems to be a generational trend.”
While most homesteading pursuits come with a learning curve, the good news is the experts at Lake Metroparks are excellent resources to help you. If you’re curious to start but cannot attend the conference, stop into the Farmpark and they’ll happily share tips for success.
Here are a few of the most popular:
• Sourdough bread making
Not only does this bread taste delicious, it has high nutritional value and is beneficial for gut health. “The origins of sourdough can be traced back to ancient Egypt, as early as 1,500 BC, where they used it as a leavening agent for their bread,” says Farmpark Interpreter Dave Watkins. “Sourdough bread is made using a sourdough starter instead of the yeast packets you find at the supermarket. The starter is a mixture of flour and water that you must let ferment, feeding daily for about a week.”
• Butter making
According to Farmpark Interpreter Emily Kiess, to turn cream into butter, all you must do is agitate it to release the fat globules. “Put cream in a blender pitcher and turn on medium high for about five minutes until it separates into butter and buttermilk,” she says.
• Gardening and preserving produce
For the increasing number of people growing their own veggies, fruits and herbs, Horticulture Education Specialist Valerie Reinhardt suggests they make the harvest last all year through drying, pickling and canning.
Lake Metroparks provides more than four million visitors each year with educational and recreational programs. For more information, visit Farmpark is located at 8800 Euclid Chardon Road in Kirtland.