It doesn’t matter if you’re 18 or 80, the team at MaxStrength Fitness can help you become healthier and stronger than you ever thought possible

By Patricia Nugent
Eighty is the new 40,” isn’t something you hear every day. But for Virginia Sepic of Highland Heights, it’s testimony to the turnaround her life took after starting training at MaxStrength Fitness.
“After breaking my hip in 2018, and suffering pain from arthritis 24/7 for the past 25 years, when I started exercising here two years ago, I wasn’t sure how much they could actually accomplish,” says Virginia, who read about the studio in Mimi Magazine. “I walk with a cane, and my goal is to one day not need one. I’m getting closer to that and relying on the cane far less as time goes by. You wouldn’t think someone my age would still be able to build muscle tone and lose weight, but I have—a total of 40 pounds so far.”
Making a Meaningful Connection
Virginia says she has worked with other personal trainers over the years, but they all “seemed bored to death, just going through the motions.”
“MaxStrength is the opposite of most trainers,” she says. “They are connected to my progress in a meaningful way and are highly motivational.”
She has dropped six sizes, has more energy, is sleeping better and is doing things she hasn’t been able to do in years, such as gardening. Her arthritis pain is nearly gone.
“I have so much to look forward to now,” she says. “It feels wonderful to push yourself and see real results. I feel hopeful again.”
The twice-weekly 20-minute workouts are pretty intense, she says, but the one-on-one trainers stick with her throughout every rep on each high-tech machine, making sure they are calibrated for her capabilities to avoid injury.
“Another plus of the studio for me is how they keep it chilly, so you don’t break a sweat,” she says. “I can leave a workout and go about my day.”
Beyond the Numbers
MaxStrength founder Jeff Tomaszewski likes to work with measurable metrics. He recently invested in the InBody Analyzer to assess clients.
“It’s been beneficial to track Virginia’s rock-star success going through our program,” he says. “This technology is the gold standard in terms of body composition analysis. In seniors, especially, things like bone density are critical to stay aware of.”
Clients simply stand on the scale and hold monitors for less than a minute to produce a wide breadth of numbers, from body fat and muscle mass to water levels in the body.
Virginia credits Jeff with helping her stay motivated to lose weight.
“His emails are filled with things like healthy recipes and positive information,” she says. “Jeff is a natural to lead such an approachable and professional team of trainers. They are like family.”
MaxStrength Fitness is located at 4212 State Route 306 in Willoughby or 2211 Crocker Road, in Westlake. Visit for more information or to see more testimonials, or call 440-226-8080 for Willoughby or 440-835-9090 for Westlake.