Here’s what Black History Month means to black-owned businesses who are part of the Willoughby Western Lake County Chamber of Commerce

By Patricia Nugent
Then Black History Month originated in 1976, President Gerald R. Ford urged Americans to “seize the opportunity to honor the too-often neglected accomplishments of Black Americans in every area of endeavor throughout our history.”
Here in Lake County, the number of businesses and organizations helmed by African Americans provides a rich tapestry of diversity and inclusion.
“We are proud to recognize and acknowledge these business leaders, and showcase their organization and contribution within our community,” says Dana Wolfe, who is executive director of the Willoughby Western Lake County Chamber of Commerce. “It is exciting to see the growth of new businesses in Lake County this past year as they support our vision to foster a diverse environment where businesses and residents are proud to work, live and play.”
Here are insights from several members of the chamber into what this month means to them:
Margo Davis, Fate Into Destiny Wellness Center
“The impact blacks have had on American history should be celebrated and acknowledged. It saddens me that our story is often only relevant to some people and left unnoticed or unknown even within our own community. We would all become better citizens if we identified and celebrated our differences as well as commonalities.”
Business Overview: Armed with numerous wellness and coaching certifications, Margo and her husband Michael help empower others at the nonprofit Fate Into Destiny Wellness Center. They’ve recently branched into offering reiki to families and their pets.
Tenisha Gant-Watson, Jordan Community Resource Center
“Black history month is an indicator that recognizes the contributions African Americans have made to history and continue to make every day. We have been change-makers impacting every field, especially medicine, sports and the arts.”
Business Overview: The Jordan Community Resource Center provides transformative and supportive services to women in crisis. Services include recovery housing, counseling and treatment, employment assistance, transportation, mentoring, peer recovering, medication management and spiritual support.
Brittany Martin, Biggby Coffee
“As a minority business owner, I’d say we’ve made great strides, but there still need to be more educational programs for minority individuals to work with the financial aspects of business. The chamber has been a helpful and supportive resource and space for me to share ideas with other business owners.”
Business Overview: A former traveling nurse, Brittany opened Biggby Coffee last December in Wickliffe. Baristas are extensively trained to coax the best from the bean and master the craft of coffee. In addition to coffee and tea, they offer made from-scratch smoothies, hot, iced and frozen lattes.
Rhonda Osagie-Erese, CRE8IVRHO Digital
“Black History Month signals a wonderful time to celebrate and recognize the contributions of black and brown people. My parents are from the West Indies, so I don’t view black history as merely American, but from a global perspective. As a black American veteran, I personally feel like I’m part of a bigger whole that’s come a long way.”
Business Overview: A seasoned writer, Rhonda puts her pen to everything from blogs and feature stories, to websites, business plans and grants.
Linda Peavy, Li Pav Consulting
“This country was founded on the resources, ingenuity and intelligence of black people. The African American population has been a leading force for culture in this country, from pop culture to athletics and music. The contributions of people of color, such as Frederick Douglas, Harriet Tubman, Serena Williams and Oprah Winfrey, to this country are so significant that BHM should last longer than one month.”
Business Overview: Founded 16 years ago by Linda, Li Pav Consulting offers non-profit and for-profit organizations creative services including marketing and grant writing.
Within the WWLCC, the number of businesses and organizations helmed by Black Americans provides a rich tapestry of diversity and inclusion. They include:
- Auntie Tam Signature Salads and More, LLC
- Biggby Coffee Wickliffe
- C.W. Radio Network
- CRE8IVRHO Digital
- Create A Space
- Dirty Truth Publishing
- Early Steps Learning Center
- Fate Into Destiny Wellness Center
- Fred Astaire Dance Studios
- Immaculate Cleaning Co., Inc.
- Jordan Community Resource Center
- Kevin P Davis Insurance Agency, Inc.
- Li Pav Consulting, LLC
- Miss Lady Tweet LLC
- Phoenix Counseling Solution
- The Missy Co.
- Triumphant Counseling Services
Headquartered at 28 Public Square in Willoughby, the Willoughby Western Lake County Chamber of Commerce serves Eastlake, Kirtland, Wickliffe, Willoughby, Willoughby Hills, Willowick and the villages of Lakeline and Timberlake. Call 440-942-1632 or visit for more information.