Here’s how to make the grass greener on your side of the fence

By Beth Newcomb
A steak from Applebee’s is, well, just a steak. But a steak from Ken Stewart’s Lodge is a culinary experience. Fertilizer is kind of the same way, says Correy Petz, owner of EverGreen Turf Solutions.
That seems like a stretch, right? Well, not exactly.
“Just like the difference between a decent steak and a prime steak, there can be a huge difference between a mainstream fertilization company and an exceptional one,” Correy notes. “When you’re considering where to spend your money, it’s important to compare apples to apples. Do they charge extra for things that we offer standard? Do they use a top-quality product? Is their service tailored to the Northeast Ohio lawns? Are they competitive on price?”
Correy says many people call EverGreen Turf Solutions because they aren’t happy with their current fertilization provider, noting their lawns don’t look any better after a season of applications.
“We’re not always the most expensive, or the cheapest,” Correy says. “But what we consistently offer is more for your money.”
“Some companies charge for an add-in insect control, including fleas and tics, but we offer it as a courtesy on round two of your application schedule,” he adds. “If you want grub control, you can add that as well. We don’t gouge people. We provide a cost-efficient way for people to achieve beautiful, green lawns.”
Correy says determining how much product to apply to each lawn is a science as much as it’s an art. “Most companies don’t apply enough product and people are unhappy because they don’t get the results they expected,” Correy says. “They skimp on the amount of product they apply to make their price look better. We’re not just trying to sign up customers on our program. We want our customers’ lawns to look amazing. The only way for that to happen is to apply the right amount of product at a fair price.”

And when you consider the service excellence along with the time savings EverGreen offers, they’re an easy choice to make.
“We’re not a franchise,” Correy stresses. “Sure, our logo is professional, our guys show up in company-branded uniforms, and our trucks are neat and tidy, but everyone who works for EverGreen lives in the area. There is no call center. When you need to speak with one of us, your call is answered by a member of the team. With other companies, you might get a guy from Texas answering the phone. What does a guy from Texas know about the lawns in Northeast Ohio?”
EverGreen uses both a granular and liquid fertilizer to kill weeds and feed the lawn, so people aren’t spending on extra product. And because different weeds appear at different times during the year, your fertilization program is tailored to address those invaders as the season demands.
If you don’t time it just right, however, there will be no getting rid of them. And that’s why signing up with EverGreen right now is key. If you wait too long, you won’t be able to get on Correy’s bustling schedule and you’ll miss your first treatment.
“We do things better,” Correy states. “Our service is better, our programs are better, our value is better and our process is better.”
Correy encourages anyone doing business with a competing lawn care firm to give him a call for a quote. They’re bound to be pleasantly surprised.
Headquartered in Valley City, locally owned and operated EverGreen Turf Solutions creates lush lawns all over Medina, Summit and Cuyahoga Counties. For more information and an instant quote, call 330-662-0123 or visit Hours are Monday-Friday, 9 a.m.-5 p.m. EverGreen offers a money-saving fertilization program that lasts all season and ranges from five to six applications.