Here’s how the team at MaxStrength got Beth P. on track for a major life change

By Patricia Nugent
After months of lockdown last year, the number on Beth P.’s scale had hit an all-time high.
“I reached rock bottom in September when I saw a picture of myself and couldn’t believe what I looked like,” she says. “I had eaten junk all summer and felt super sluggish all the time.”
Throughout her adult life, Beth has struggled with her weight. The 41-year-old joined gyms, but never stuck with them, abandoning them after a month or two.
Looking for a catalyst for change in her life, she joined MaxStrength Fitness studio.
Unlike most gyms, this elite protocol focuses on intense, one-on-one, trainer-led workouts on high-tech equipment.
“Science has shown us that focusing on muscle mass and strength is the key to transformation,” says founder Jeff Tomaszewski. “In Beth’s case, building strength had a profound effect on her overall fitness level and led to impressive weight loss.”
Partners in Progress
Along with the workouts, Beth also started a diet plan of intermittent fasting, only eating her meals and snacks between noon and 6 p.m. every day.
“Jeff was a big help in assessing my nutrition plan, even going over my shopping lists and suggesting the best foods for weight loss,” she says.
The efforts are working. Since last September, Beth has shed 42 pounds, dropped three sizes and gained strength along the way. Jeff points out that the silver lining in her loss of weight and body fat, is that she was able to maintain her lean muscle mass. Most people who lose weight lose an equal amount of fat and muscle.
The journey continues. Beth says she hopes to lose 40 more pounds and continue to transform her body. She’s thankful to be on the right track.
Why did the MaxStrength solution work so well where all others failed? Beth says the differences lies in feeling like a partner with someone who is there to motivate her.
“If I have an appointment on my calendar, and know someone is there waiting for me, I’m not going to miss it,” she says. “I feel like when I’m there, the trainer is pushing me harder than I ever would myself. Another thing I love about this place is the workouts are only 20 minutes, twice a week. And since they keep the studio temps down in the 60s, you don’t sweat at all. In fact, I often go in there in my work clothes.”

Know Your Numbers
Knowledge is power in the health and wellness arena, and no one appreciates that more than Jeff, who is a big believer in metrics. That’s why he invested in the InBody Analyzer to assess clients.
“This technology is the gold standard in terms of body composition analysis,” he says. “Clients simply stand on the scale and hold handles for less than a minute to produce a wide breadth of numbers, from body fat and muscle mass to water levels in the body.”
For Beth, it is a helpful tool in charting progress, and showing the most productive ways to change up her workouts.
MaxStrength Fitness is located in Westlake, at 2211 Crocker Road or 4212 State Route 306 in Willoughby. Call 440-835-9090 for Westlake and 440-226-8080 for Willoughby. or visit for more information or to see more testimonials.