Here’s how En Garde Deer Defense can keep deer from eating your floral landscaping and ensure a full summer of enjoyable outdoor living

By Mitch Allen
Now that we’re almost to the middle of May, landscape plants vulnerable to deer damage are far along, becoming increasingly appetizing to white-tailed deer. These include daylilies, hostas, roses, hydrangeas, and a lot more. In fact, you may have already seen some damage. To deer, our landscaping is simply an all-you-can-eat salad bar.
It’s not too late to enjoy a beautiful yard this summer. En Garde Deer Defense is in full swing, applying its effective deer deterrent to properties throughout Northeast Ohio. This proprietary formula is not available online or in stores. That’s because the ingredients it effective cannot be stored on a shelf. “We >span class="s1">mix our spray fresh every morning,” Jeff says. “It’s effective, weather-resistant, transparent, and virtually odorless to humans.”

How Often to Spray?
Jeff says an application every three weeks is effective for 90% of his customers, but sometimes it takes more. “It depends on the speed of plant growth,” he explains. “And that’s related to plant species, soil quality, rain, and nutrients along with the amount of deer pressure in an area.”
Here are En Garde’s most popular frequency programs:
Standard Program – Most new clients start here. “This is a three-week rotation where our technician sprays every three weeks,” Jeff explains. “Then we evaluate the results to determine if that frequency is sufficient for your property. If it is, great. If not, we have other options.”
Plus Program or Platinum Program – These options involve an application every two weeks. The Plus includes applications now through the end of July, while the Platinum carries the service through the end of October.

Buds and Blooms Option – To help save his clients money, Jeff has developed the Buds and Blooms option to strategically protect your most important, valuable, and vulnerable plants. “It typically involves a Standard spray every three weeks, then we supplement that by spraying only certain buds and blooms every 10 to 11 days,” Jeff explains. “It’s an effective way to protect your most beautiful plants that have quick growth rates in between standard sprays—like day lilies, hostas and rose buds. If our spray is not on those buds, they will be vulnerable.”
Knowing what spray to use and how often to apply it are both important, but there is a third component: How to spray.
Extensive Training

En Garde’s spray technicians undergo highly comprehensive training, including an online test in which each tech must identify 90+ different species of plants and declare whether they are vulnerable to deer. They also take a 50-question written exam on all the aspects of the business. New employees also undergo a four- to six-week, hands-on, in-the-field apprenticeship program with a trained technician before being allowed to work alone.
You may be tempted to tell your En Garde techs where to spray, but it’s best to let them determine that. “We have a lot of training and years of experience, so we know which strategies work best,” Jeff assures. “We usually recommend spraying all the landscaping including the entire perimeter of the property. If we make your entire yard unattractive to deer, they simply move on.”
Get Started with a Free Trial
To maximize the enjoyment of your yard this summer, it’s best to get started with En Garde as soon as possible. “Once deer develop the habit of dining on your property, it’s harder to get them to stop,” Jeff adds. “We want them to know early on that your all-you-can-eat salad bar is officially off limits.”
And when was the last time you worked with a company so confident in its service, they offered a free trial? That’s what Jeff does.
“We believe so strongly in our service that we offer every homeowner their first application for free with no obligation to continue,” Jeff says. “We do this because most homeowners sign up for our service once they see how well it works.”
Clients must be happy because En Garde has more than 280 Google reviews with a five-star average rating.
En Garde Deer Defense serves all of Northeast Ohio. To schedule your free trial, call 440-447-0022, or fill out a form online at