Here’s how Canton Vein & Vascular can eliminate leg pain and discomfort and restore your health

By Laura Briedis
Opening this fall, and currently offering free leg screenings, Canton Vein & Vascular focuses on all things legs.
This new Akron-Canton office is part of a regional network of vein and vascular centers, with offices in Medina, Avon, Mansfield and Norwalk.

Dr. Barry Zadeh, one of Ohio’s leading vein and vascular surgeons, is pleased to welcome back Dr. Michael Levy to the Canton office as a specialist in vein disease and procedures. A double board-certified surgeon, Dr. Levy has completed more than 10,000 vein procedures over the past decade while practicing in Florida, New York and Pennsylvania. He now brings his expertise to Northeast Ohio.

Dr. Levy has held prestigious positions including chief of cardiac and thoracic surgery for Mount Sinai Hospital in Chicago, as well as assistant professor of clinical surgery at New York University.
“I am very excited to rejoin this great team,” explained Dr. Levy.
Minimally Invasive Procedures
If you are among those suffering from leg pain or swelling caused by venous reflux disease, varicose veins, valve insufficiencies and ulcers of the extremities, Canton Vein & Vascular can bring you relief through minimally invasive procedures with virtually no downtime.

As one of the most experienced vein doctors in the country, Dr. Levy explains that these minimally invasive procedures use tiny catheters to treat a damaged vein. Following the procedure, a bandage is placed over the insertion site and patients can resume normal activities immediately.
“We offer the best care for all things related to your legs,” comments Dr. Zadeh. “And our treatments are available in an outpatient setting.”

Innovative Arterial Procedure
In addition to performing vein procedures in the Canton office, Dr. Zadeh can perform arterial procedures. Rather than having them done in a hospital, these can be done in the nearby Medina office-based cath lab.
A board-certified surgeon, Dr. Zadeh has performed thousands of venous and arterial procedures over the past 35 years.
One of the most common diseases is Peripheral Artery Disease (PAD). PAD is the result of narrowing or blockage caused by the buildup of fatty plaque in the vessels in the legs or lower extremities that carry blood from the heart to the legs.
“If you have pain while walking, specifically in the calf, thigh or buttocks muscles, that is a symptom that you may have blockage in the arteries in your leg,” says Dr. Zadeh. “And if the disease is severe, you may have pain in your legs when laying down.”

Pioneering a novel approach, Dr. Zadeh offers the Zero Contrast Pedal Approach that can be done in an in-office setting—without requiring a trip to the hospital. Working through an artery in the foot, Dr. Zadeh uses balloons, stents or atherectomy devices to open up blockages. In the past, most doctors would access the artery through the groin, but he says accessing the blockage through the foot is much safer.
“By accessing the arterial system through the foot, it lessens complications, shortens recovery time and encourages early ambulation,” Dr. Zadeh says. “Combining this approach with Intravascular Ultrasound and zero use of contrast/dye maximizes the benefits of this approach.”
In addition to Pedal Access revascularization, Dr. Zadeh performs endovascular procedures, including treatment of deep vein thrombosis, treatment of abdominal and peripheral aneurysms, dialysis access repair, and venous intervention and stenting.
Canton Vein & Vascular also treats leg and foot ulcers. Its multidisciplinary treatment may involve wound care and the treatment of the underlying arterial and vein disorders.
“Having healthy legs results in a healthier life,” says Dr. Zadeh. “You are able to exercise, be more active, and simply move around easier, which leads to a richer and more fulfilling lifestyle.”

Free Leg Screening
If you are suffering from leg pain, don’t dismiss it as normal aches and pains that come with aging. Always listen to what your body is trying to tell you.
If you have any of the symptoms listed below, it could be an indication that you have vein or artery disease, which can lead to more serious health issues:
• Pain in the muscles of the leg, buttocks, thigh or calf while walking.
• Aching pain in your feet at night.
• Tingling, heaviness, numbness or swelling of your lower extremities.
• Restless legs.
• Varicose veins or leg ulcers.
• Leg wounds that don’t heal.
• Leg cramps.
Find out if you’re at risk by scheduling a free leg screening and consultation with Dr. Michael Levy or Dr. Barry Zadeh, of Canton Vein & Vascular. For an appointment, call 234-262-0280 or 877-668-1155.
Canton Vein & Vascular is located at 6225 Frank Ave. NW, in North Canton. Call 234-262-0280 or 877-668-1155 for an appointment. For more information, visit