Free time is a valuable commodity and Vantage Point Cleaning Services can help you take it back

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Jeanie Kulon’s Vantage Point Cleaning Services doesn’t leave a home until it is pristine. Team members do floors on their hands and knees and scrub sinks with a toothbrush. And, yes, they do windows.

By Patricia Nugent

Is there anything more stressful than a friend popping over and you’re busted with sticky countertops and crumbs all over the floors?

Hiring a cleaning service ensures your home is always “ready for company,” and you come home from work to a fresh, clean and inviting abode.

Vantage Point Cleaning Services provides an impeccable job for any home, leaving it orderly, refreshed and looking its very best.

“People today value their time more than anything else,” says owner Jeannie Kulon. “They’d much rather hang out with their family and go to their kids’ games on weekends than spend hours cleaning their homes.”

One of the misconceptions about having a cleaning service is that it’s cost prohibitive.

“We can do a la carte services, only every other week or only the first floor, whatever it takes to get within a client’s budget,” she says. “There are just as many tiny condos and apartments on our client list as there are very large homes. We treat every client with the same white-glove level of customer service.”

Once a client has signed up for our Top to Bottom cleaning we send a field supervisor in to make sure it’s up to Vantage Point standards.

A Home that Sparkles
Jeannie says they provide a highly customized level of clean.

“We don’t leave a home until it is pristine,” she says. “We do baseboards on our hands and knees and scrub sinks with a toothbrush. And, yes, we do windows—whatever it takes to make your home sparkle.”

From baseboards to ceiling fans, the services cover dusting and vacuuming, cleaning mirrors, glass surfaces and cabinet fronts, changing bed linens, removing garbage, cleaning floors, and cleaning and sanitizing bathrooms and kitchens.

A Team you Can Trust
Jeannie recommends going with a cleaning company that thoroughly vets and background-checks its employees.

“I’ve heard nightmare stories about people hiring independent cleaners only to find out they didn’t carry enough liability insurance and an accident happened,” she says.

Within the cleaning industry, the turnover rate is 300 percent. But not with Vantage Point.

“We use a recruiting company to find the best quality employees and pay them a nice wage they can live on. They go through a rigorous training process, shadowing another staff member until we feel they are ready to go on their own. We value them and they tend to stay with us for a long time.”

“We take pride in our employees and the job they do,” she says. “What sets Vantage Point Cleaning Services apart from other cleaning services is that part of our protocol is every home is assigned to a cleaning technician who will clean your home time and time again. With Vantage Point Cleaning Services you won’t have a new employee each visit, you will have the same cleaning technician at every visit. Our clients love the consistency knowing they will have the same person cleaning their home.”

She makes the same investment in the products they use, only buying high-quality, commercial-grade cleaners.

In addition to residential homes of any size, Jeannie reports they also do smaller commercial jobs.

“These cases are usually because a home cleaning client is so pleased with our cleans they want us to do the same at their workplace, like a doctor’s office,” she adds.

The Ultimate Self-Care
“We all work so hard,” she says. “If the end result is being stressed and frazzled, what’s it all for? It’s rewarding to me to know that our professional work lets people reconnect with their much-needed me-time.”

Headquartered in Strongsville, Vantage Point Cleaning Services beautifies homes, small businesses and doctor’s offices in Strongsville and surrounding communities. The firm is fully bonded and insured as well as accredited by the Better Business Bureau, from whom they have earned an A+ rating. For more information or to schedule a free consultation, call 440-283-6674. Day, evening and weekend appointments are available. For more information, visit

Categories: Westside Home & Garden