For students at Willoughby-Eastlake Schools, every person matters, every moment counts

By Mimi Vanderhaven
Wondering why these cutie pies are wearing sunglasses? Well, it’s to demonstrate that their future is so bright, they gotta wear shades.
Willoughby-Eastlake City Schools Convocation Day last month, when all 1,000 employees gathered at South High School to kick off the school year. It was led by students from preschool through grade 12 wearing graduation caps and marching into the gym in a processional to the tune of “Pomp and Circumstance.” According to Superintendent Dr. Patrick Ward, the exercise was an ideal representation of the Portrait of a Graduate initiative.>span class="Apple-converted-space">
“Starting with our youngest learners through graduating seniors, we see each of them as a graduate of our school system, and we are committed to providing them the experiences and skills they need to be successful after graduation,” he says.
Last year, Dr. Ward met with numerous community and staff groups throughout the school year and gathered feedback from the stakeholders as to what they envision for the children in the community. The culmination of that work was the development of the Portrait of a Graduate.
Six competencies that will help students navigate their future no matter their path include the traits of being a collaborator, communicator, creator, critical thinker, and that they are empathetic and resilient.
“This is the most exciting time to be in public education,” says Dr. Ward. “One of the most important things schools can do is ask the question, ‘What are the skills, competencies, habits and dispositions that students need to be prepared for college, career, military, and most importantly, life.’”
He explains the goal of the initiative is to encourage and develop those life-ready skills.
“We are making sure that no matter what path students choose, their education is supporting them on their journey,” he says. “In Willoughby-Eastlake City Schools, every person matters, and every moment counts. Our future is bright!”
Look for these monthly stories to cover topics from grades k-12 in the Willoughby-Eastlake City Schools System. For details, visit