Find Candy Chrystals, now at Miles Farmers Market

By Laura Briedis
Sometimes children have the best ideas. Just ask Chrystal Vanac, who went to culinary school at Johnson & Wales University in South Carolina and worked as a chef on a cruise ship and a stint as a butcher before returning to Northeast Ohio to work in the security industry. Thanks to her 9-year-old daughter Courtney, she is once again working in the foodservice industry after creating Candy Chrystals.
“My daughter saw a freeze-dried candy video and thought it would be fun for us to make candy, so last fall I invested in a machine and started to make freeze-dried candy for friends and family,” Chrystal says. “Everyone loved the candy so much that I rented a commercial kitchen, reached out to the Department of Agriculture to get an inspection, and got my license in January.”
The freeze-dried process takes all the moisture out of the candy so it becomes plumper, crunchier and intensifies the taste.
“Eating freeze-dried candy is more of an experience,” Chrystal says. “Instead of putting a handful of gummies in your mouth, chewing and swallowing all at once, you eat the freeze-dried candies one at a time.”
“I can use candies, such as Jolly Rancher, Airheads or Skittles, and freeze-dry them,” she says. “I have made more than 100 varieties.”
Currently available at Miles Farmers Market are Berry Frittles, Rainbow Frittles, Cluster Puffs and Fruit Strips.
“I used to shop at Miles almost every day when I worked in Bedford because I loved all the fresh produce and local brands,” Chrystal says. “Now I’m one of those local businesses on the shelves.”

Miles Farmers Market is located at 28560 Miles Road, in Solon. For details, call 440-248-5222 or visit