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Articles Showing articles related to: Professional Services

Licensed insurance agents Marisella Weible, Laura Weible and Chris Weible with HealthMarkets Insurance Agency help beneficiaries navigate Medicare

Understanding Medicare can be confusing. You may have several options to choose from depending on your needs, your budget, the carrier and plan type in your area. And while it might make sense to simply choose the same plan your friend or spouse is on, that may not be the plan that fits your needs. “Your situation isn’t the same as your...

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Restoring hope and renewing lives at Project Hope for the Homeless

The evolution of Project Hope for the Homeless began in 1993, with the Catholic Commission of Lake and Geauga Counties searching for a solution to the homeless in Lake County. Celebrating its 30th anniversary, the shelter now serves approximately 500 guests each year. Executive Director Judy Burr served as an outreach coordinator in those early,...

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Licensed insurance agent Bernie Davidson with HealthMarkets Insurance Agency can help you sort through your Medicare plan options

For those who will be participating in the Medicare Annual Enrollment Period, which this year runs from Sunday, October 15, until Thursday, December 7, your Annual Notice of Change (ANOC) may have provided some information regarding the costs associated with your current Medicare plan and any changes for 2024. Because Medicare plans can change,...

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Retirement savings: Trick or treat?

Halloween is the time of year when we have fun with concepts that normally scare us—from gravestones and skeletons in our front yards to imaginary witches, vampires, and goblins. But when it comes to watching our retirement savings dwindle away due to stock market losses, the fears are not imaginary. They are very real. Unlike the...

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Licensed insurance agents Kathy Carvin and Matthew Carvin with HealthMarkets Insurance Agency can help you sort through your Medicare plan options

For those who will be participating in the Medicare Annual Enrollment Period, which this year runs from Sunday, October 15, until Thursday, December 7, your Annual Notice of Change (ANOC) may have provided some information regarding the costs associated with your current Medicare plan and any changes for 2024. Because Medicare plans can change,...

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